Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Book Haul From the Library Book Sale!

Twice a year, my local library hosts a MASSIVE book sale, which almost makes me salivate with delight (I'm not kidding!) I've only been to it two times, both of which were this year, but I am definitely making plans to hit this event as many times as possible in the future. Each time, they are open for several days, the last day being my most favorite day of them all - 10 cent day! My pulse races at the thought of it! All those books... only a dime a piece?! Come to mama!

Today, I went with my sister and my fiance. We arrived right at opening time, and there was a huge line of people waiting for the doors to open. By the time we were able to park (several blocks away) and walk back (maybe 15 minutes?), the line had already vanished as the book hungry mob attacked the stacks like a pack of hyenas on a carcass. But who can blame them really? Ten cents is a steal!

My Haul - Not the greatest photo lol
By the time we made it to the door, people were already checking out with their treasures, some with CARTS full of books, boxes and boxes of books. Oh how I would love to do that. However, due to lack of space to actually put the books once home, I refrained from going completely overboard (though my fiance may disagree with that statement). I filled up my bag and once it was full, headed to checkout. Final tally? 19 books for only $1.90!

A couple weeks ago I set myself a steep goal of reading 25 books before the end of the year. I'm on number 4. Now that I have plenty of reading material, all I have to do is read them! I can't wait!


  1. I really enjoyed the Wednesday Letters hope you do too.

    Nice bargain.

  2. Yes, it was a wonderful bargain!

    I am very much looking forward to reading The Wednesday Letters. It sounds really interesting!
