This year I will be participating in NaNoWriMo. For those who haven't heard of this totally awesome organization, head over here to check it out. Essentially, participants agree to dedicate the month of November to writing a novel: 50,000 words. It doesn't have to be good, you just have to get the words out. It is intended to inspire creativity. I signed up last year, but I didn't participate. Last year, I was just too busy, but this year, I don't have any excuses.
Anyone else doing it? I'd love to hear from you.
Another thing I've been interested in lately is doing a writing workshop. I've always wanted to go to one, but I've never had the time. Now, I have plenty of time, but can't afford to go. Ah, the life of not being rich. I heard about one at Miami Dade College, and I would LOVE to go, but I will have to wait until next year... maybe. It would be awesome.
I'm still reading Suburbanistas. So far it's pretty good, but I'm not craving it yet. It's pretty easy to put down. It's still early in the book, so hopefully it will speed up soon.
What are you reading right now?
It's a little late now, but SFC does Community Education classes each term open to everyone. It's mostly hobby related things. Everything from writing classes to kayaking to dance. They're inexpensive, most under $100 and several under $50. Each class is either a week, a few or the whole term.